In my kitchen, however, it seemed to only have the power to turn my friends' faces into dried apples.
Hey, scorpions aren't for everyone. But some people love nothing better than a good scorp or cockroach or centipede or tarantula on their plate.
Like these freaks, for instance:
If you haven't arranged your own holiday grubdown, I have good news: You won't have to resort to mining the garage for cockroach protein.
Arguably the best local blog going, the Monterey County Visitors and Conventions Bureau's See Monterey, has your back. That's where Nicole Gustas put together a nice rundown of eating out options for Turkey Day.
The best value I've seen so far might be from Exec Chef Mark Ayers at Cannery Row Brewing Company (643-CRBC). Just $24.99 for a choice between pumpkin soup, squash raviolis in brown butter or a grilled Caesar; your pick between a five-hour smoked prime rib or a beer- and apple cider-brined, seven-hour smoked Diestel turkey and a bunch of sides like homemade cornbread stuffing, double butter smashed potatoes, brown sugar candied and roasted carrots, roasted Brussels sprouts with doublecut bacon and pearl onions and pumpkin pie with brown sugar almond brittle crust.
Might merit a pilgrimage.