The good news: He didn't have to face a snarling panel of those voted out of the mansion before him in the last stage of the contest, which got a lil' nasty, as only "reality" TV can.
As Us reports:
Krisily Kennedy slammed Dave for not telling her that she was going to get eliminated on one episode. "You didn't give me the respect," she told him. Gwen, the oldest person in the house, took aim at Dave after hearing him say that "anybody in their 30s is a loser for being in this house."
Michelle Kujawa blasted Tenley for spreading a rumor that she hooked up with one of the housemates. "I lost respect for you," she told her. "You don't have my vote." When Tenley apologized, Michele, 26, sniped, "What goes around comes around, and I don't care."
Oh, the nerve.More good news: The Kovacs Brothers wine book tour starts Friday with a 6-8pm signing/tasting/love fest at A Taste of Monterey on Cannery Row. (For more on the new book, The Young and the Thirsty, check out a recent Special Edible post.)
Good wine overlooking the Monterey Bay—now that's my kind of reality.