The Flying Wasp (840-6671) in former Chop House at San Carlos and Fifth in Carmel will be open late (especially for Carmel—they're aiming for at least 1am), serving sippers like the just-right Manhattan I tried on a scouting trip this Sunday, alongside a menu inspired by the characters from the best golf movie ever set to celluloid, Caddyshack. Think Danny's pork sliders ("Noonan!"), Judge Smail's garlic fries ("How about a Fresca?") and Smoke Porterhouse steaks (" ")
Matt Stibers will do a little country-western rock between from 6-10 Wednesday-Saturday. Big screens will show everything U.S. Open.
Consider the idea a Cinderella story of sorts. Outta nowhere.
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I hope the guy that used to stalk Bill Murray in camoflauge and a Carl Spackler helmet at the AT&T Pro Am will be there. Some other hopes:
I hope that Mundaka (624-7400) has its deejays lined up and Spanish wines stocked.
I hope Cantinetta Luca's (625-6500) got enough pizza dough—the bar there will be roaring—and that Fresh Cream's (250-7943) popular bar has enough draft beer. I hope Andree's Bouchee's (626-7880) nice little wine bar has all its suppliers on alert. And I hope Brophy's (624-2476) has assembled ample Philly cheesesteak reinforcements.
All of the above spots merit a visit and should be blowing up come Thursday. And none of them was around last time the U.S. Open came to the Peninsula. So, as Spackler would say, We got that going for us, which is nice.