But that's been my Wednesday after a headline appeared on SFGate that went a little something like this:
"Mark C. Anderson gets time to change arson plea."
That's not quite interesting enough to merit a little Special Edible post, though. The story itself, though, definitely is: Dude owned Sausalito Cellars in Vallejo, which stored superb Napa Valley wines for wineries and collectors. The Marin County fuzz accused him of embezzling from his clients and burning the place down, and he entered a guilty plea about a year ago. But now he says his agreement with the judge was misconstrued.
For the record, I have a hard enough time spitting out wine at tastings. No way I could burn three bottles, let alone 6 million—worth some $200 million. And we're talking Napa wines. I know more than a few people that would view this crime as tantamount to mass murder—after all, they'll tell you sooner than I will, a wine is a living thing.